( Approved by AICTE, Recognised by DTE, Government of Maharashtra
& Affiliated to University of Mumbai )

B.R.Harne college of Engineering & Technology library plays a pivotal role in helping our students build self-learning and knowledge-acquisition skills, outside the scope of their college syllabus. By providing this excellent facility, the students will be able to develop their reading skills, which is the most important skill that a student needs to hone in order to get ahead and succeed in life.
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Library serves as a resource center and aims to develop a comprehensive collection of books and journals useful for faculty and students of the institute and provides an efficient dissemination of knowledge.
- Library aims to be one of the best among engineering college libraries in the country.
- Library intends to incorporate the latest technology and adopt user friendly approach towards student and faculty.
- Library intends to offer comprehensive services related to dissemination of knowledge.
To educate students to contribute as Dynamic engineers and Citizens through the innovation, Integration, Application and transfer of Engineering knowledge. To be recognized as a world class Engineering college Library that provides an excellent learning materials timely and accurate information in various print and non print formats. A knowledge doorway to accessing resources and life long learning center.
Working hours of the circulation section
Monday to Saturday : - 08.45 a.m. to 5:10 p.m. (Without break)
Reading hours of the Library
Monday to Saturday : - 08:45 a.m. to 05.10 p.m. (Without break)
Arrangement of Library collection:
The Library is adopting "open access" system which enables the readers to go to the bookshelves and select books and other resources by themselves freely. The reading materials are arranged as per Dewey Decimal Classification
The collection of the library comprises of the following: | ||
1 | Total No. of Volumes | 5400 |
2 | Total No. of Titles | 647 |
3 | National Periodicals | 33 |
4 | International periodicals | 15 |
5 | CD Collection (Text books & Magazines) | 312 |
6 | News Papers | 11 |
7 | E-Journal(ICFAI JNL.of Com.Sci.) | 01 |
8 | DELNET | 01 |
Students | 2 | 07 Days With One Renewal |
Teaching Faculties | 15 | 15 Days With One Renewal |
Non-Teaching & Admin staff | 06 | 07 Days With One Renewal |
Circulation Section :
Library system followed - Open access system
Classification system - Dewey Decimal Class system
Library Members
a. Students
b. Teaching faculty
c. Supporting staff
OPAC service : Bibliographical information services to the users
Students can browse the library database by clicking the key words like - Author, Title, Subject, etc. available in OPAC. Status of the book and user can also be checked.
Photocopy Services
Photocopy service is provided to all with nominal charge same for the visitors/outsiders/other institutions.
Guidelines for Photocopy work:
1) Only Scientific and Technical documents will be photocopied up 10 page at time by the Library
2) Laboratory is under development and equipment purchase is in process.
3) Photocopy from books and Reference books are not allowed.
4) Library will be maintaining records of number of copies done against each authorized members.
Current Awareness Service (CAS)
CAS is provided to the members to keep themselves up-to-date about the Library's collection and the latest information.
Library provides various types of Current Awareness Services, like,
1) New Arrival of Periodicals
2) New Addition of Books
3) Newspaper Clipping Service (Daily).
Other Automated Facilities
1) Barcoding Technology
2) Barcode Reading Technology
Digital Library
Digital library is housed in the First floor in the library. Eight systems are available. 312 CD's are available on both books & Journals, which are arranged in the digital library.
Digital Library Services
1) The college has taken up membership for E- Journal of ICFAI.
2) Students and staff members can barrow the CD's on ID card for overnight use
3) CD write facilities are available for the users
Document Selection
Library always tries to select and purchase the most valuable documents in the field of interest to fulfill the requirements of its members. Frequently Publisher Catalogue is sent to the members for selection and recommendations of Books. Members are welcome to suggest new titles latest edition of documents to be purchased by filling up the Purchase Request Form. Or Online recommendation. The Library Committee will take the final decision.
Please take care of the following
When the document is returned to the library, member should make sure that his/her document is cancelled against his/her name. Before leaving the circulation counter the member should satisfy himself that the book is in good condition, if not it should be brought to the attention of the counter staff. Otherwise he/she is liable to be held responsible for the damages noticed at the time of returning. Writing, marking and tracing on the library document is strictly not allowed. If a document is mutilated or damaged when it was in possession of the member, library can demand for a replacement or compensation for damages.
Renewal of book
A Member can renew a document continuously 1 times, if there is no reservation for that particular document. If a member wants to renew the same document more than 1 times, then the document will be issued only after one week.
Overdue Document
The documents which are not returned/renewed on or before the due date will be considered as overdue documents.
1) Library gives monthly reminders by notice to the concerned members and a list of overdue documents is also kept on the counter. Library is not responsible for non-receipt of reminders.
2) The member is bound to make note of the due date stamped on the book.
3) Rs. 01.00 per document per day will be charged as fine on overdue documents.
Loss/mutation of book/journals
1) If the documents are not returned/renewed even after 3 monthly reminders, then the documents will be considered as lost and the cost will be recovered by the library from borrower. In case of gratis document, the rate will be fixed by the Library Committee.
2) If a member loses any document It is must be immediately reported to the Librarian in writing.
3) If a document is declared as lost by a borrower he/she will have the option to replace similar edition of the document having same or latest imprint but not a cheaper edition like paperback, student edition, etc., within 1 month from the date of issue of the 3rd reminders.
4) The replacement cost once recovered or replacement copy once accepted cannot be refunded or replacement copy returned under any circumstances even if the original document is recovered.
5) If the member is not able to replace the document by the same edition, in such cases library will recover double the actual cost at the present conversion rate.
Rules and Regulations
- All the Students and Teaching and Non- Teaching Staff are the members of the library.
- The members are not allowed to carry books, note books, bags and other personal articles inside the Library.
- Library membership will be given to the first year and Lateral entry students, when they receive the college identity card.
- Members should enter their roll number and name in the gate register and sign in the same before entering the library.
- No students will be allowed to enter the library without college Identity Cards. Outsiders should not be brought to the library without principal permission.
- Library is a place for serious self- study. All must maintain a conductive atmosphere for silent study. Disturbance of any kind is strictly forbidden. Those violating the rule of silence may be asked to leave the library.
- Students shall not misplace books from their positions in the racks.
- The circulation counter will be opened from 08.45 AM to 5.10 PM on all working days.
- Books borrowed by a member must be returned within 07 days, failing which a fine Rs.1 per day per book will be charged. A borrowed book must be renewed on or before the renewal date or it must be returned. Members can renew one time only.
- Reference material should not be taken outside the Library.
- The sub-lending and transfer of book is prohibited.
- Loss of any library card must be reported to the Librarian immediately in writing. A new card(s) may be issued after paying Rs.50/- per new card. The amount has to be paid in the college Account Office and he receipt submitted to the Librarian.
- Members should use the books with care. They are advised to examine the books when they borrow and if any book is found damaged. It should be brought to the notice of the Librarian immediately.
- Any kind of marking, underlining, tearing the pages or spoiling the same etc, in the books or in the periodicals is absolutely forbidden.
- If any book is lost or damaged by the member, he/she will be responsible to replace it or pay twice the book cost as fine will be collected.
- All Library books must be returned to the Library before the closure of the semester or after the university theory examinations.
- During the Library hours for students, one faculty member should present in the Library to watch the students and keep them silent.
- Further, the Librarian reserves the right to call back any book issued to any member before the due date, if it is required for any important purpose in the Library.
- Books are required to be presented physically at the Counter for renewal.
- Books will not be issued based on any requisition in any form.
- Books will be issued to new faculty members only after obtaining their Library Card.
- The Librarian may amend the Library Rules and Regulations as and when necessary.
- Users must be decently dressed and conduct themselves properly in the Library.
- The Library will not accept responsibility for the loss or misplacement of personal belongings.
- Membership card is nontransferable. Students must not lend their library card to any other student to borrow books from the Library. Library facilities will be withdrawn for students misusing cards.
- Violation of these Rules will call for punitive action against the erring student.
- The Librarian may take appropriate action under intimation to the Principal on member found misbehaving in the library.